Crédit photographique
Remerciement aux auteurs de toutes les images que nous avons utilisées.
Nous tenons à vous exprimer notre profonde gratitude pour votre travail et votre talent, qui ont permis de donner vie à nos projets et de les rendre plus attrayants. Votre contribution est précieuse et nous sommes reconnaissants de pouvoir utiliser vos créations. Nous espérons que vous continuerez à nous inspirer avec vos images et vos illustrations, et que nous pourrons continuer à travailler ensemble pour atteindre de nouveaux sommets de créativité. Encore une fois, merci pour votre travail exceptionnel et votre générosité.
Credit photo is a common practice in the world of photography and illustration, which consists of mentioning the source of the images used and attributing their creation to their author. It is important to credit the images and illustrations that we use, as this allows us to respect the work and copyright of those who created them. There are many free and open source image banks on the internet, such as Pixabay, Wikimedia Commons, and Pexels, which offer a wide variety of free-to-use images and illustrations.
These image banks are an excellent way to find high quality images without having to pay to use them. It is important to research the terms of use for images before using them, to ensure that you respect the copyright and conditions of the image bank in question. If you use images from these free and open source image banks, don’t forget to credit their authors and mention the source of these images, although this is not required when the images come from open source image banks. This will encourage the work of those who created these images. Regarding our website, the images and illustrations on this site come from the following free and open source image banks :
Thank you to the authors of all the images we have used.
We want to express our deep gratitude for your work and talent, which have brought life to our projects and made them more attractive. Your contribution is valuable and we are grateful to be able to use your creations. We hope you will continue to inspire us with your images and illustrations, and that we can continue to work together to reach new heights of creativity. Again, thank you for your exceptional work and generosity.